Tag Archives: certification

It’s time to learn something new

Humans are constantly learning new things, without that we would probably still live in caves and hunt animals for leather and food. Who knows if we would be even able to use fire properly. Well I don’t want to talk about evolution here so don’t get scared :).

Learning a new stuff is something that, depending on your job, you need to do on a regular basis, or because you want to have a better chances for promotion or simply because you just want to do it. In my case, I simply wanted to do that so I decided to aim for a Microsoft certification. I’s been already more than a year and half since I finished college, so I thought why not to try to learn something new again (and I also needed to think of a quarterly goal for work :)).

As I have some background with web development I chose a 70-480 exam (Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3). To prepare I simply gone through some articles on web and also through this course on MS Virtual Academy: Developing in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Jump Start.

Well long story short. Last week I passed the exam, as I am not allowed to publish details about exam, let me sum it up. If you have several years of experience with developing web applications with JavaScript, CSS and HTML and if you read some materials about news in CSS3 and HTML5 you probably won’t have any trouble passing this exam.

So yay, I’m now certified Microsoft Specialist, but that is probably all there is to it. I learned some new stuff, which I’ll probably won’t be able to use as much as I wanted because in most cases websites need to be compatible with older browsers as well.